State Of Anamnesis

When something deserves more than just a deep thought.

I’m not very fond of making a joke at another person’s expense, but, sometimes things just need to be said. While some of you might take this just that way, others will take this blog at face value. It’s a blog. A written testimony given by its proprietor of incidents that catch my attention. The acuteness I seem to have after being pulled into a foolishly problematic event of which I commonly pass no judgment upon. If that were the way to adhere to the same dilemma involving two very alike individuals, OK. But it’s not and I think it’s time something be said.

If you choose to engage in a relationship with a man who treats you like trash, it’s your fault. When you finally move on and seem to squeeze yourself into the same predicament again, it’s your fault. Nobody can change the continuous train of drama some people beg to ride. You are the only one who can close a door and open a new one in your life. People you know may try and make you feel better about the situation by denying your fault in the role played. However, it still stands to blame you with the rest of us who are not deceiving your poor heart to bare it the sad news.

Nobody needs to be in a relationship with a hardened hypocrite. You do NOT need a partner to feel complete. The only thing you need is confidence. Once you have applied that to your demeanor, you have already scored points over the next bastard who tries to bring you down. Thus scaring him off to consume the soul of some other idiot. Be honest with yourself and everything else will fall into place.

If you can’t Love yourself first, you lose. So many people try to engage in relationships with people and yet they’re unhappy as hell. Who does this work out for? The hypocrite who will use you and make you out to be the problem? Yes! That idiot. People need to shape up. Snap out of whatever spell you’re under and claim your civilization again. It’s not easy, but, it’s better than being the one who is always left. Nobody wants to be the crybaby or scolded ex girlfriend or boyfriend.

If all of this has skipped over you, I have just proven my point.

Good Luck.


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South lake Tahoe, California, United States
an⋅am⋅ne⋅sis Pronunciation [an-am-nee-sis] 1. the recollection or remembrance of the past; reminiscence. I know some of you are going to pretend to break suicide anamnesis down and try to understand it. Don't. You don't know me and you will look completely stupid trying. I am going to break it down for you. Above I have already given you the definition of anamnesis. The word suicide in this case would actually be equivalent to the hip-hop or rock meaning of it, crazy. I'm not much into explaining myself in short descriptions. I would like to believe there is more to a human being then what can be described in a few sentences. I prefer to be called upon only when things get out of control. Honestly I prefer to be unassociated with pricks. I prefer people who don't have much to say. Then I do not have to point out the bullshit. Have a great day and thank you for stopping by this non-entertaining profile.


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